Out of School Youth


This program provides eligible youth with effective and comprehensive activities that improve participants’ employability skills and provides effective connections to employment.

The program provides basic skills, GED® prep, referrals for diplomas, and employment training to include subsidized work experiences and occupational training.

Available at the Dover campus.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Out of school youth 16–24 years of age.
  • High School dropouts or graduates with basic skill deficiency.
  • An individual who requires additional assistance to complete an educational program, or secure and hold employment.
  • Meets Delaware Workforce Investment Board income eligibility requirements.
Provides FREE, effective, and comprehensive activities that improve participants’ employability skills

Funding is provided by the Delaware Workforce Development and Department of Labor Employment Training and administered by Delaware Technical Community College.

Campus-Specific Out of School Youth Information
Contact Dover:

Clarence Patterson
(302) 857-1531

This program is offered at the Dover campus.

This program is offered at the Dover campus.

This program is offered at the Dover campus.